Financial Calculators

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Monthly loan payment is $553.02 for 24 payments at 2%.
Total interest paid: $4,045.49
Total payments: $24,045.49
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Loan Summary

Loan Amount


Monthly Payment


Interest Rate




Total Payments


Total Interest paid


Payment Schedule

Payment Number




Loan Balance


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Your break even point is at X.


Variable Cost


Fixed Cost


Expected Sales




Total Revenue


Total Variable Costs




profits by units sold


Fixed Cost

Total Cost

Total Revenue



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Social Security may provide $58,411.00
If you start collecting your benefits at age 65 you could receive approximately $58,411.00 per year or $4,867.58 per month. This is 53.98% of your final year's income of $75,629.49. This is only an estimate. Actual benefits depend on work history and the complete compensation rules used by Social Security.

Results Summary

Current Age


Annual Income


Expected Salary Increase


Inflation Rate


Include Spousal Benefit?


Age to Begin Benefits


Annual Income at Age 65


Estimated Benefit


Estimated Percent of Income


What if I begin benefits at a different age?

You are eligible to receive your full Social Security benefits at age 66. But you can start receiving Social Security benefits as early as age 62. You can also delay your benefits until age 70. The Social Security Administration attempts to keep your lifetime benefit equal regardless of the age you begin taking benefits. Take a look at the chart below to see how this can affect your monthly benefit.

Age Benefits Begin

Amount Per Month

Amount Per Year


These calculators are self-help tools for your independent use. We cannot guarantee their accuracy and encourage you to seek professional advice for your financial circumstances.

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